✓ Recommended for some countries.
✓ One shot usually lasts for a lifetime.
✓ Get the shot ten days before landing in the Chikungunya zone.
What is the Chikungunya vaccine?
IXCHIQ is the only vaccine currently used in the USA. It was recently FDA-approved (11/23)
How much is the Chikungunya vaccine?
Travel Clinic NY charges $450 for the Chikungunya vaccine plus $90 for the office visit fee.
Who should consider getting the Chikungunya vaccine?
It is recommended vaccine for anyone 18 or older to travel to a country with an outbreak.
It is highly advised if the person stays in the outbreak area for longer than 6 months and is aged >65 with underlying medical conditions.
According to the CDC, the vaccine is advised if the traveler has been in the moderate mosquito- area for at least two weeks (cumulatively).
Do I need a Chikungunya vaccination?
The Chikungunya vaccine [2] Chikungunya Vaccine, Live https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK603034/ is not required but recommended, and proof of vaccination is not required before entering the country of destination.
In which countries is chikungunya common?
Chikungunya is present [3] Antibody persistence and safety of a live-attenuated chikungunya virus vaccine up to 2 years after single-dose administration in adults in the USA: a single-arm, multicentre, phase 3b study https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00357-8/fulltext in Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. It is more common after the rainy season, which lasts from May through August. Here is the list of countries that have chikungunya.
Who cannot get the Chikungunya vaccine?
Vaccine is not advised if you belong to one of those categories of people:
- Immunosuppressive conditions: HIV, active cancer, or autoimmune disease (Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or others).
- On the medications that suppress the immune system
- History of allergic reaction to vaccine components.
Can a vaccine be given during pregnancy?
Ideally, the vaccine should be avoided during pregnancy unless the risk of contracting the disease is very high. If the pregnant person chooses to get vaccinated, it should not be done during the first trimester or after 36 weeks.
What are the side effects of the Chikungunya vaccine?
The adverse reaction to the vaccine occurs in about 10% of vaccinated people. If they happen, adverse reactions can last an average of 4 days.
The most common adverse reactions are:
- Localized redness and soreness at the injection site
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Nausea
- Fatigue
For mild reactions, ibuprofen can be taken. For severe reactions, call 911
Severe reactions that are similar to chikungunya disease are rare but reported. (1.6%)
How long does a Chikungunya vaccine last for?
No vaccine booster is recommended, so one dose of the Chikungunya vaccine
[4, 5]
FDA Approves First Vaccine to Prevent Disease Caused by Chikungunya Virus
Valneva’s single-shot chikungunya vaccine – VLA1553 / IXCHIQ®
provides lifelong protection for most travelers.
Chikungunya Vaccine
https://www.cdc.gov/chikungunya/prevention/chikungunya-vaccine.html -
Chikungunya Vaccine, Live
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK603034/ -
Antibody persistence and safety of a live-attenuated chikungunya virus vaccine up to 2 years after single-dose administration in adults in the USA: a single-arm, multicentre, phase 3b study
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00357-8/fulltext -
FDA Approves First Vaccine to Prevent Disease Caused by Chikungunya Virus
https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-vaccine-prevent-disease-caused-chikungunya-virus -
Valneva’s single-shot chikungunya vaccine – VLA1553 / IXCHIQ®